Government Affairs

Our mission is to influence public policy to protect CEDIA members, the electronics industry and consumers.

Workforce Development

The future of smart home technology depends not only on the technology, but on the people who are desigining and installing it. 

Standards & Best Practices

CEDIA is committed to producing ANSI accredited standards and best practices that ensure professionalism in the industry. 

Design & Build Outreach

Learn to engage with the design and build community, providing them accredited education on Smart Home Technology topics. 

Market Intelligence

Improve your business through knowledge of the latest trends statistics in the smart home industry.

Events Calendar

Search the CEDIA Calendar to locate all the up and coming events, training, including boot camps, workshops and more. 

Tech + Business Summits

Introducing the new and improved CEDIA Tech + Business Summits—the latest in innovative new technology and world-class, business- and tech-centric education to help you achieve your goals.


CEDIA Expo brings together home tech pros and exhibitors to the leading global event for smart home technology. 

Integrated Systems Europe

ISE showcases the world's leading technology innovators and solutions providers of four days of inspiring conferences. 

Smart Home Awards

CEDIA's Smart Home Awards programs recognizes the top projects, products and individuals in the smart home technology industry. 

CEDIA Online Learning

The CEDIA online learning is the leading online learning portal for all your home technology integration learning.

In-Person Training

Elevate your expertize in smart home technology with our in-person training sessions. Gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge.


CEDIA Certification is a set of credentials that reflect defined areas of knowledge in the Smart Home Technology industry. Certifications are held by the individual; you earn the certification, and you carry it with you as you continue your career.

White Papers

CEDIA white papers dive deep into applications, recommendations, and advice on a wide range of topics: from software and hardware to best practices, standards, and formats.

Tech + Business Summits

The CEDIA Tech + Business Summits are one-day events showcasing upcoming technology and future trends in the smart home industry.

Education | Training | UK

UK Training

EMEA Smart Home Courses

  • Smart Home Technician Essential Skills
  • Home Cinema Design
  • KNX Basic Training
  • Lighting Design
  • Network Specialist School
  • Project Management
  • Designing Ethernet and Wireless Networks
  • Design Documentation

Smart Home Technician Essential Skills

Designed for residential contractors joining the smart home industry, this training covers domestic digital infrastructure installation and best practices in audio, video, equipment installation, and rack building.

  • Fundamentals of Cables and Connectivity
  • Testing & Verification
  • Audio, Video, and RF Systems
  • Rack Building
  • Wiring Fundamentals
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Home Cinema Design

This two-day course will introduce and explore the formal skills required to design dedicated home cinemas and media rooms.

  • Learn a foundation in Home Cinema engineering
  • Understand Home Cinema best practices
  • Understand the science and calculations behind Home Cinema design
  • Making difficult decisions in difficult rooms
  • Translating client requirements into design plans 
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KNX Basic Training

This course explores the principles of the KNX protocol and includes both theoretical learning and hands-on exercises to build your understanding of the KNX system configuration tool, ETS.

  • KNX System Overview
  • TP Topology
  • TP Installation
  • Bus Devices
  • KNX and RF
  • ETS Programming
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Lighting Design

This two-day course is a great way to get a complete understanding of how to design lightingfor the integrated home. 

  • Understand lamp characteristics and capabilities
  • Understand dimming types and how to test them
  • Apply fundamental science needed for lighting control system design
  • Understand Part L compliance
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Network Specialist School

This education pathway provides a strong foundation for technicians interested in advancing their professional knowledge through a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of networking.

  • Standards and the OSI Model
  • Network Hardware
  • Network Configuration
  • Wireless Networking Hardware and Operations
  • Network Design, Planning, and Troubleshooting
  • Network Security and Performance
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Project Management

This course will teach you more about the role of a Project Manager on a CI project, and will identify the key elements required to successfully deliver a project on time, on budget, and within scope.

  • Identify the principles of project management.
  • Understand the role of the Project Manager.
  • Explain the time, cost, and quality triangle.
  • Recognise the key elements required to successfully deliver a project on time.
  • Understand how to work on a tight budget and within scope.
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Designing Ethernet and Wireless Networks

It is now crucial that the fundamental design of any home network is robust and well-conceived. It is no longer good enough to just ‘plug it in to any available socket’ come install time!

  • Recognize key network topologies
  • Describe key differences between wired & wired networks
  • Identify high bandwidth components and routes
  • Identify key security weak points
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Design Documentation

This course is designed to give you a better understanding of project documentation, with a CEDIA certified subject matter expert on hand to teach you how to prepare and create your own.

  • Explain the types of documentation included in a successful project.
  • Prepare and create your own documentation.
  • Design and draw a simple audio-visual head end.
  • Identify all elements required for the designer’s toolkit.
  • Understand power requirements, heat output for racks, and spatial considerations.
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Get an ECS Site Card

The ECS Related Discipline Card allows integrators of home technology to access construction sites where a CSCS card is normally required. Find out more about the ECS Assessments and other requirements needed to obtain this card.

ECS Card

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