Asuntos Gubernamentales

Nuestra misión es influir en las políticas públicas para proteger a los miembros de CEDIA, la industria electrónica y los consumidores.

Desarrollo de la fuerza laboral

El futuro de la tecnología del hogar inteligente depende no sólo de la tecnología, sino también de las personas que la diseñan e instalan.

Estándares y mejores prácticas

CEDIA se compromete a producir estándares y mejores prácticas acreditados por ANSI que garanticen el profesionalismo en la industria.

Diseño y construcción de alcance

El programa CEDIA Outreach Instructor (COI) permite a los miembros brindar educación continua a sus socios industriales locales.

Inteligencia de mercado

Mejore su negocio a través del conocimiento de las últimas estadísticas de tendencias en la industria del hogar inteligente.

Calendario de eventos

Busque en el Calendario CEDIA para localizar todos los próximos eventos, capacitación, incluidos campos de entrenamiento, talleres y más.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.


CEDIA Expo reúne a expositores y profesionales de la tecnología del hogar en el evento mundial líder en tecnología del hogar inteligente.

Sistemas Integrados Europa

ISE presenta a los principales innovadores tecnológicos y proveedores de soluciones del mundo durante cuatro días de inspiradoras conferencias.

Premios al hogar inteligente

Los programas de premios Smart Home Awards de CEDIA reconocen los mejores proyectos, productos e individuos en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente.

Academia CEDIA

CEDIA Academy es el portal de aprendizaje en línea líder para todo el aprendizaje sobre integración de tecnología en el hogar.

Capacitación en persona

Aumente su experiencia en tecnología de hogar inteligente con nuestras sesiones de capacitación presenciales. Obtenga experiencia práctica y conocimientos prácticos.


La certificación CEDIA es un conjunto de credenciales que reflejan áreas de conocimiento definidas en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente. Las certificaciones las posee el individuo; obtienes la certificación y la llevas contigo a medida que continúas tu carrera

Libros blancos

Los documentos técnicos de CEDIA profundizan en aplicaciones, recomendaciones y consejos sobre una amplia gama de temas: desde software y hardware hasta mejores prácticas, estándares y formatos.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.

Smart Home Technician Essential Skills Course

CEDIA developed the Smart Home Technician Essentials pathway to provide entry-level home automation technicians with knowledge in cabling infrastructure and system integration. This pathway will provide a solid foundation for technicians interested in advancing their careers in the industry and will support individuals on their way to CEDIA certification. 

Enquire Now Course Dates

What will I learn in each course?

Day 1 - Intro to Smart Home Systems

Systems integration is seen by many as the jewel in the crown of the Home Technology

Professional. Understanding each system's components, communications and demarcation points will enable the attendees to design, install and program jobs successfully to practical completion.

The day will consist of design fundamentals by sub-system, communications protocols, third-party integration, and best practice policies. Smart home and IoT devices, connectivity, and integration will be explored.

Topics covered include:

  • Individual sub-systems
  • User interface design
  • Intersystem communications protocols
  • The principles of third-party integration
  • Smart Home IoT devices

Day 2 - Smart Home Science and AV

Moving into the Smart Home installation industry requires a wide range of practical skills and technical knowledge. New installation technicians need a strong grounding in maths, science and project procedures.

The course provides attendees with the essential training in the typical maths, science and electronics topics installers utilise within the Smart Home industry. Attendees will explore the key techniques for audio, video and network calculations, and will be asked to apply these skills to solve example scenarios. 

Also included are specific explanations of how audio, video and RF (Radio Frequency) systems function with system examples.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding and manipulating simple mathematical formulae
  • Working with triangles, percentages and ratios
  • The relationship between waves, frequency and wavelength
  • Electricity and electrical theory
  • How sound & audio work
  • Video display & transmission basics
  • RF signal function inc. modulation

Day 3 - Extra-low Voltage and Data Cabling for Smart Homes

The need for a proper cabling infrastructure is essential in any custom installation project. Most homes provide little of the wiring needed for true system integration.

This workshop will show attendees the various cables and connectors used in integrated residential systems, and demonstrate how to build a flexible wiring environment for a modern home. Attendees will learn how to terminate, verify & qualify the wiring installation.

This is an interactive workshop with practical exercises using a range of tools, test and qualification equipment, giving attendees the vital hands on experience required to advance their skill set and industry knowledge.

Topics covered include:

  • Identifying the various cables and connectors in Smart Home systems
  • Applications where various cables and connectors are used.
  • Best practice connector termination methods
  • Practical exercises using various ELV and data cables and connectors
  • The basics of structured cabling systems
  • Using patch panels and wall-plate modules
  • Basic testing and qualification methods for structured cabling installations

Day 4 - Rack Building & Wiring Workshop

Racks are now an integral element of many custom installations. Preplanning, including best practice design and standardisation, can ensure every rack is given the time and attention required to result in a tidy, reliable and serviceable solution. 

This course will provide attendees with the clear, structural methodology required for rack building from planning through to future servicing. This heavily practical course will explore best practices, the importance of science based wiring choices and standardisations which can be applied to projects of all sizes.  

Attendees can expect to gain a strong understanding of the different types of racks, and how to apply the correct knowledge for overcoming issues with equipment placement, wiring, connectivity, and rack build as a whole.

Topics covered include:

  • Rack elevations, kit spacing and ventilation. (best practices for loading and kit spacing including ventilation of racks)
  • Cable tray, rear rack strip and lacing bars
  • Tails, rear panels and hardwiring
  • Cable and signal paths
  • Service loops and cable lay
  • Cable ties - tightness, flush cut, spacing and flow
  • Lacing pre-made cables

Day 5 - Electrical Safety & Safe Isolation

Electrical installations are part of every project, which means that basic electrical safety is essential knowledge for all smart home technicians working in UK homes. In this course, learners will be introduced to the UK’s electrical regulations, the dangers of electricity, and the professional parameters and safe working practices to use when working on electrical installations. Successful completion of the course and the ECS Electrical Safety assessment (coupled with verified competence in their work area) enables the successful candidate to apply for an ECS Related Discipline card in a predefined occupation. This card is essential when working with electrical systems on a live construction site.

Course dates for 2024

lun., sept. 16, 2024 - vie., sept. 20, 2024

Smart Home Technician Essential Skills - St Neots, UK

CEDIA's Smart Home Technician Essentials training is a pathway developed to support both entry-level technicians as well as those with a desire to transition to the systems integration industry from an adjacent trade.

In-Person Training

Comience con la capacitación CEDIA

Avance en su carrera con la capacitación presencial de CEDIA que le permitirá obtener conocimientos expertos en instalación de hogares inteligentes.

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