Asuntos Gubernamentales

Nuestra misión es influir en las políticas públicas para proteger a los miembros de CEDIA, la industria electrónica y los consumidores.

Desarrollo de la fuerza laboral

El futuro de la tecnología del hogar inteligente depende no sólo de la tecnología, sino también de las personas que la diseñan e instalan.

Estándares y mejores prácticas

CEDIA se compromete a producir estándares y mejores prácticas acreditados por ANSI que garanticen el profesionalismo en la industria.

Diseño y construcción de alcance

El programa CEDIA Outreach Instructor (COI) permite a los miembros brindar educación continua a sus socios industriales locales.

Inteligencia de mercado

Mejore su negocio a través del conocimiento de las últimas estadísticas de tendencias en la industria del hogar inteligente.

Calendario de eventos

Busque en el Calendario CEDIA para localizar todos los próximos eventos, capacitación, incluidos campos de entrenamiento, talleres y más.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.


CEDIA Expo reúne a expositores y profesionales de la tecnología del hogar en el evento mundial líder en tecnología del hogar inteligente.

Sistemas Integrados Europa

ISE presenta a los principales innovadores tecnológicos y proveedores de soluciones del mundo durante cuatro días de inspiradoras conferencias.

Premios al hogar inteligente

Los programas de premios Smart Home Awards de CEDIA reconocen los mejores proyectos, productos e individuos en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente.

Academia CEDIA

CEDIA Academy es el portal de aprendizaje en línea líder para todo el aprendizaje sobre integración de tecnología en el hogar.

Capacitación en persona

Aumente su experiencia en tecnología de hogar inteligente con nuestras sesiones de capacitación presenciales. Obtenga experiencia práctica y conocimientos prácticos.


La certificación CEDIA es un conjunto de credenciales que reflejan áreas de conocimiento definidas en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente. Las certificaciones las posee el individuo; obtienes la certificación y la llevas contigo a medida que continúas tu carrera

Libros blancos

Los documentos técnicos de CEDIA profundizan en aplicaciones, recomendaciones y consejos sobre una amplia gama de temas: desde software y hardware hasta mejores prácticas, estándares y formatos.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.

September 4-7 | Denver CO, USA

CEDIA Expo 2024

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Award-Winning Director Barry Sonnenfeld to Deliver Keynote at CEDIA Expo 2024

Sonnenfeld will take the stage to deliver a keynote that promises to be a highlight of the event. Known for his work as a celebrated director and cinematographer, Sonnenfeld is also a passionate home cinema and technology enthusiast. His keynote will explore the critical role of home theaters in delivering an unparalleled cinematic experience, highlighting the contrast between movie production and playback environments. Sonnenfeld will delve into his personal experiences and his belief that movie playback quality is essential to experiencing films as their creators intended. He will share his insights on the significance of sound and visual excellence in home cinemas. Attendees can look forward to hearing about Sonnenfeld's own home theater setup and his vision for achieving an extraordinary home cinema experience.

The keynote will take place on a NEW day and time this year, Thursday, September 5, from 8-9 AM, in the Four Seasons Ballroom at the Colorado Convention Center. It is free for CEDIA Expo attendees. For more information about CEDIA Expo 2024 and to register, visit here.

Sponsored by Kaleidescape

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Conference Training Tracks

  • Executive Insights & Trends
  • Control Systems and Assistive Technologies
  • Lighting and Ambiance
  • Home Theater and Immersive Audio
  • Power Management, Energy, and Sustainability
  • IT, Networking, Security, and AI
  • Business Strategies and Project Management
  • Architecture, Design, and Build

Executive Insights & Trends

The Executive Insights & Trends track focuses on five pressing themes highlighted through numerous research calls that are essential for driving strategic growth and innovation: advanced sales and social media strategies, effective delegation and employee trust, the housing market outlook, cutting-edge 8K technologies, and the transformative impact of AI.

Join industry leaders, top manufacturers, and technology futurists for a day of critical dialogue, future-forward conversations, in-depth research, and trend analyses. Gain actionable insights into business strategies, consumer behaviors, and market trends, empowering you to enhance your business offerings and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving smart home landscape. Don't miss this opportunity for unrivaled networking and thought-provoking discussions designed to spark your business potential and ensure your organization's success.

*Note: this track only runs on Wednesday, September 4.*

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Control Systems and Assistive Technologies

In the era of rapid technological advancement, the mastery of control systems and the integration of assistive technologies have become essential competencies for those at the forefront of innovation. This training track is meticulously designed to empower technology innovators and smart home professionals with the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to excel in creating seamless, user-centric solutions. Our focus is not only on the theoretical underpinnings of technology but also on practical applications and case studies that can make a tangible difference in everyday life. We'll explore topics such as techniques and strategies to design user-friendly interfaces and systems that enhance user interaction and satisfaction, and success stories and practical examples from industry leaders who have successfully implemented control systems and adaptive technologies to solve real-world challenges.

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Lighting and Ambiance

Sponsored by Lutron

This training track is especially curated for technology innovators and smart home professionals aiming to master the nuances of lighting and ambiance. Combining cutting-edge technology with aesthetic design, this track offers an in-depth exploration of how lighting can enhance well-being, functionality, and style within modern smart living spaces. We'll explore topics such as human centric lighting & wellness, delving into the science behind lighting designed with human needs in mind, addressing the complexities and challenges of implementing a lighting design, blending aesthetic design with smart lighting technology, and trends and opportunities in the lighting industry.

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Home Theater and Immersive Audio

In the rapidly evolving world of home entertainment, creating spaces that offer an immersive audio and visual experience is more important than ever. This training track is designed for Smart Home Professionals and home cinema designers who aspire to excel in the art and science of designing and implementing state-of-the-art home theaters. We'll explore topics like: components that make up various types of speakers, their roles, and how they impact sound quality within a home theater setup; demystifying the jargon of the home cinema world, understanding the guidelines and principles behind creating compliant and immersive video environments; and exploring how different content technologies impact viewer experience.

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Power Management, Energy, and Sustainability

In an era where energy efficiency and sustainable living are at the forefront of consumer demands, professionals in the smart home industry must be equipped with extensive knowledge and skills in power management, energy solutions, and sustainability practices. This training track is designed to empower smart home professionals with the expertise needed to meet these demands, ensuring they can deliver innovative and energy-efficient solutions for modern homes. Discover topics like: the basics of power management in the context of smart homes; The latest updates on the National Electrical Code; and exploring sustainable practices in smart home technologies.

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IT, Networking, Security, and AI

Technology is continually reshaping the boundaries of convenience and security within our living spaces; the demand for skilled Smart Home Professionals has never been higher. To equip individuals for this evolving industry, our comprehensive training track is specifically designed to empower professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the realms of IT, Networking, Cybersecurity, Physical Security, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Gain insights into the importance of data privacy and security within smart homes; explore setting up, managing, and troubleshooting home networks, ensuring seamless connectivity across devices; learn the intricacies of securing A/V systems from unauthorized access and potential cyber-attacks; Explore the potential of AI in revolutionizing smart home security solutions; and discover the cutting-edge intersection of AI and marketing within the smart home sector.

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Business Strategies and Project Management

Sponsored by One Firefly

In the rapidly evolving smart home industry, staying ahead requires more than just technical know-how. Success in this field hinges on a thorough understanding of advanced business strategies and effective project management techniques. Our comprehensive training track is meticulously designed to equip smart home professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the competitive landscape of home automation. Uncover powerful techniques to keep your workforce motivated, engaged, and committed to your business's vision. Plan your exit in a way that maximizes your venture's value and ensures continuity. Learn the essential elements to make your business website stand apart, and how to best prepare for the new search engine landscape. Discover how to develop and implement comprehensive maintenance plans that ensure longevity and reliability of installed smart home solutions. Explore cutting-edge strategies for growing your smart home business.

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Architecture, Design, and Build

In the rapidly evolving world of smart home technology, staying ahead means not just keeping pace with the latest trends but pioneering them. This training track is meticulously curated for smart home professionals aspiring to grow business partnerships with the architecture, design, and build communities. Our objective is to transform your approach, knowledge, and expertise in integrating smart home technology with architecture and interior design, ensuring seamless and innovative home environments for clients. Explore topics like: choosing the right design & build partner, unlocking the secrets of becoming an effective partner in the design and construction sector; and changing your firm’s perception from subcontractor to technology designer.

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Thanks to our conference sponsors

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