Asuntos Gubernamentales

Nuestra misión es influir en las políticas públicas para proteger a los miembros de CEDIA, la industria electrónica y los consumidores.

Desarrollo de la fuerza laboral

El futuro de la tecnología del hogar inteligente depende no sólo de la tecnología, sino también de las personas que la diseñan e instalan.

Estándares y mejores prácticas

CEDIA se compromete a producir estándares y mejores prácticas acreditados por ANSI que garanticen el profesionalismo en la industria.

Diseño y construcción de alcance

El programa CEDIA Outreach Instructor (COI) permite a los miembros brindar educación continua a sus socios industriales locales.

Inteligencia de mercado

Mejore su negocio a través del conocimiento de las últimas estadísticas de tendencias en la industria del hogar inteligente.

Calendario de eventos

Busque en el Calendario CEDIA para localizar todos los próximos eventos, capacitación, incluidos campos de entrenamiento, talleres y más.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.


CEDIA Expo reúne a expositores y profesionales de la tecnología del hogar en el evento mundial líder en tecnología del hogar inteligente.

Sistemas Integrados Europa

ISE presenta a los principales innovadores tecnológicos y proveedores de soluciones del mundo durante cuatro días de inspiradoras conferencias.

Premios al hogar inteligente

Los programas de premios Smart Home Awards de CEDIA reconocen los mejores proyectos, productos e individuos en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente.

Academia CEDIA

CEDIA Academy es el portal de aprendizaje en línea líder para todo el aprendizaje sobre integración de tecnología en el hogar.

Capacitación en persona

Aumente su experiencia en tecnología de hogar inteligente con nuestras sesiones de capacitación presenciales. Obtenga experiencia práctica y conocimientos prácticos.


La certificación CEDIA es un conjunto de credenciales que reflejan áreas de conocimiento definidas en la industria de la tecnología para el hogar inteligente. Las certificaciones las posee el individuo; obtienes la certificación y la llevas contigo a medida que continúas tu carrera

Libros blancos

Los documentos técnicos de CEDIA profundizan en aplicaciones, recomendaciones y consejos sobre una amplia gama de temas: desde software y hardware hasta mejores prácticas, estándares y formatos.

Cumbres de tecnología y negocios

Presentamos las nuevas y mejoradas Cumbres CEDIA Tech + Business: lo último en nueva tecnología innovadora y educación de clase mundial, centrada en los negocios y la tecnología para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.


Tips for Success

We get it — there are a lot of products out there that may lead you to believe that making your home connected and “smart” is easy or something you can figure out on your own. Enlisting the help of a CEDIA member will ensure you have a functional, reliable, and secure system — and you have a partner to help avoid costly missteps, troubleshoot if an issue arises, and take you to the next level of home technology.

If you've thought about hiring a CEDIA integrator for a custom installation project, here's how to prepare for that working relationship.

Tips for a Successful Smart Home Tech Project

Meet Early in the Project

The earlier you can meet with the technology integrator, the better. Often they will have design suggestions that can improve the system, and getting the integrator involved at the beginning will make for a smoother workflow and help all the trades stick closer to your timeline.

Bring Along the Design and Build Contractors

Maximize your home's technology systems capabilities by having your architect, builder or remodeler, and interior designer collaborate and partner with a CEDIA integrator from the beginning of the planning process.

Paint with Big Brushstrokes

The integrator is not expecting you to know all the intricate details of the project — that's their job. Instead, describe big ideas and concepts like, "We want music in these rooms" or "I want to be able to control these lights" or "I want a surround system in this room, but it can't dominate the room's décor." The integrator can take these big-picture statements and turn them into a system design. However, be sure to mention any must-haves. Notes like "We have a large movie collection that needs to be managed," "I need to be able to remotely access my system," or "I want full control from my phone" will help the integrator design a system that fully meets your needs and expectations.

Have a Rough Budget in Mind

Depending on the scope of work to be done, systems can range in price from the thousands to well over six figures. Having some kind of budget in mind will allow the integrator to deliver the best system for your budget by choosing the best components and allocating your dollars where they will maximize performance.

Have an Onsite Walk-Through

The integrator will likely want to visit your home and look at the space before a proposal is generated. This is especially true in retrofit jobs where things like running wiring can be quite difficult. Also, walking through a space makes it easier to visualize which products and designs will best fit.

Wire for Everything

Whether you're building or remodeling, start with a wiring plan that can support both your current and future needs. Though wireless devices and applications are everywhere, hard-wired infrastructure is still required to support them. Proper wiring can also make it easier — and less costly — to make additions and changes to your system as new technologies become available.

Buy the Experience, Not the Devices

Find an integrator that allows you to experience the thrill of a high-performance system. Few people have the time to research all the hardware choices. It's smarter to focus on the end result and make your choices based on overall performance and value. Additionally, easy-to-use, all-in-one remote controls can be custom programmed so they make perfect sense to you and focus on the functions you want at your fingertips. Current technologies also offer intuitive control from mobile devices anywhere in the world.

Review the Proposal

After discussing your needs and wants and viewing your space, the integrator will prepare a proposal. Typically this is for a "turnkey" system and includes delivery, installation, setup, programming and support. Some integrators will give proposals with good/better/best options, allowing you to step up or down according to your needs and budget.

Ask Questions

If you're not sure of something -- anything -- just ask. It's much better to voice any concerns early on in the project when changes can easily be made to the system design.

Encuentra un profesional de casa inteligente

Tenemos miembros en todo el mundo. Encuentre un experto en integración de tecnología para el hogar inteligente cerca de usted.

CEDIA Integrators