What does the smart home of the future look like?

What will smart technology in our homes look like in 2034? 

What next generation technology will our homes be using to enhance our lives on a daily basis in 10 years time? 

Our tech experts and experienced CEDIA Members and installers from across the globe share their industry insights and predictions to help us paint a picture of the Smart Home of 2034. 

Home technology and applications are developing at a rapid pace and our experts have seen the progression, developments, demand and technology itself develop over the past 10 years and use this experience to share what the next generation of smart home tech will look like. 

So let’s take a look at the Smart Home of 2034…

Homeowners in 2034 will have waved goodbye to keys and switches and said hello to biometrics and voice control. Homes will also be uber streamlined and hyper personalised so homeowners won’t have to lift a finger when they enter their home. Tech advances will also mean creating truly immersive experiences across many aspects of our everyday lives. Let’s take a deeper look at how that looks across a home…

Unique & immersive entertainment 

3D experiences for entertainment, gaming and remote working will be the norm - combining top quality and responsive screens, lighting and audio. While watching sports in 2034 you’ll be able to choose from a variety of view-points to create a unique experience for yourself. 

Farewell speakers 

Speakers will visibly disappear from the home - they will be hidden in walls or the technology themselves. Sound systems providing experiences like a cinema or nightclub will also be common in homes and gardens spaces. 

Goodbye cables and switches 

Cables and switches will be minimal and used only for those who need them. Appliances / technology will be automated, linked to apps on smart devices or controlled by voice control. Voice control will have a bigger presence in the home in 2034.


All home devices will sync with each other and wearable devices, to monitor movements and preferences in the home to make it completely personal to each individual without lifting a finger. This will include heating, lighting, room use, radio channel, the list goes on! 

Health and wellness mirrors

Health-check mirrors will be able to give you full health and wellbeing stats. The technology will link up with wearable devices and combine with visible elements will be able to give you a full picture of your health every time you take a look. 

Bye bye keys, hello Biometrics 

Biometrics will be used across different areas of the home including to gain secure access to your home. No need for keys, homeowners unique fingerprints or facial recognition will give you all the access you need in a safe way.

Immersive exercising

Smart fitness mirrors and development in smart exercise equipment married with top quality screens that will create realistic 3D immersive exercise experiences at home. You’ll be able to row across the channel or cycle the Tour De France from the comfort of your own home. 

Robotics for assisted living 

Robotic developments will continue to advance to create useful and inspiring applications that will help people who need assistance around the home. More applications and wearable devices will be accessible to homeowners to help them make every day easier.

Working from home, while feeling part of the office

Immersive experiences will continue in the home office space. Screen, audio and VR technology will allow remote workers to feel even more part of the office environment with realistic work environments that can be easily accessed.

Uber responsive smart lighting

Sensored lighting will be the norm - this will aid energy efficiency and create a seamless experience. Integrated lighting that responds  to TV/ music playing will be in demand as main room lighting disappears.

A focus on energy efficiency 

Fully solar powered houses will be much more common across the globe as homeowners become even more energy and cost conscious. 

Every individual house and building will become a power plant with renewable energy sources connected.

Indoors becomes outdoors 

The garden will become an extension of the home - indoor coming outdoors will be much more the norm. Fully designed / landscaped, outdoor speakers, outdoor kitchens and entertainment systems will be popular as homeowners look to create more with their outdoor space. 

What our experts predict for the future of smart homes:

“AI is obviously a huge area of development and conversation in the tech world currently.  I believe by 2034 AI will be fully relied upon but working seamlessly in the background across a huge number of devices and technology that will make life a lot more streamlined and accessible for homeowners, but it won’t be hugely visible in the home.” 

“Another area I think we’ll see develop is having common communication systems. One system that all current devices and systems can link into to make it easier for the homeowners to control. Having separate devices and systems will certainly die out in the years to come” 

Steve Moore, SMC Owner & CEDIA 2023 Lifetime Achievement Winner, UK 

Tech is developing quickly in the home environment, there are so many exciting advancements we can expect to see by 2034, but this also opens up lots of questions around security and efficiency of products / services so still a lot of work to be done. The tech developments continue but there is also a great deal to be done to apply current tech to create useful solutions for home owners now, especially in assisted living.I think the big areas we’ll see are the rise of biometrics, the disappearance of remote controls and the possibility of home data being sold by consumers. I also think consumers will grow to be even more tech savvy and will drive tech changes as they continue to think differently from manufacturers.” 

Walt Zebre, Senior Director of Technology and Standards at CEDIA, USA,